Tempus Sementis

March 20th, 2012 § 0 comments

Today is the Vernal Equinox (in the Northern Hemisphere), the great sun-festival which hearkens the advent of the Tempus Sementis – “The Tide of Sowing” – the name given to the season of Spring in the Ogdoadic Tradition. Regarding the four Seasonal Tides or Tempora, Denning and Phillips write in Ch. VIII of The Sword and the Serpent:

The Seasonal Tides result from two influences: the major influence being the effect of the solar particles which bombard the earth’s odic mantle, and the minor being the stresses set up within the odic mantle by the earth’s axial inclination.

And regarding this “odic mantle”:

Strictly speaking, Od is the dynamic aspect [of Astral Light], whether manifesting as the aura of a living being, whether existing as an astral current or as a charge in a consecrated object, or whether manifesting as a physical phenomenon: the earth’s magnetic field, magnetism, electricity, etc.

Today the sun appears to move across the celestial equator from north to south, shifting the solar impact on the odic mantle from South-to-North to North-to-South. Today is the point at which the Earth’s axis begins to point toward the sun rather than away from it, and so the stresses in the odic mantle are considered “axial positive.”

Springtide is thus appropriate for Works of Commencement, and Planting – of Stimulation and New Life. Likewise is the Tempus Sementis associated with the element of Air and the principle of Pneuma, from the House of Sacrifice.

At the House of Adocentyn we will today move the Sword Iubar (“sun-beam”) from the Northwest of the Temenos – where it has stood all through the Winter as a bastion of Light against and amidst the Darkness of the Tempus Eversionis – to its place at the Southeast of the Temenos. In this single symbolic act we acknowledge the return of the Sun from the place of Darkness (a necessary darkness in which the Sun has its very birth) to the place of Light, revitalizing all the Worlds with its effulgent splendor.

May that which you sow be crowned in the harvest.

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