July 21st, 2013 § § permalink
The OAS is pleased to announce the publication of the fifth issue of The Ogdoadic Journal of the Western Mysteries:

The focus of this issue is Praxis, specifically as it pertains to the Lesser Mysteries of the Ogdoadic Tradition. Constituting complete presentations of the foundation rites with new audio recordings, photographs, and extensive commentary, this Journal builds upon and supplements Mysteria Magica and other works by Denning and Phillips. And, in the true spirit of our Order’s commitment to fostering and expanding the Ogdoadic Tradition, this edition also includes innovative material never before published. It is our sincere hope that this issue in particular, and The Ogdoadic Journal in general, will inform and inspire all students of the Mysteries.
December 5th, 2011 § § permalink
The Lunar Formula of IAO by Derik Richards, published by Hadean Press as part of their Guides to the Underworld collection, is now available. The Lunar Formula is a dense 12 page chapbook, and can be purchased for £3.00 plus postage (via PayPal) on Hadean Press’ website.
The mysterious name “IAO” has for centuries been a ubiquitous feature of magical traditions. Many modern systems ascribe this name to Tiphareth and the solar mysteries. However, in the Ogdoadic Tradition of High Magick this name is employed as the divine name of the Moon-sphere, Yesod. The Lunar Formula of IAO discusses the practical magical application of this elusive formula, presenting never-before published keys thereto. While this guide conducts its survey within the milieu of the Ogdoadic Tradition, and provides a brief introduction to the Ogdoadic mysteries as a whole, it will also prove valuable to initiates and students of other traditions of the Magical Art who may find herein a resonance with their own Work.
November 18th, 2011 § § permalink
The House of Adocentyn is pleased to announce the forthcoming publication of The Lunar Formula of IAO by Derik Richards, one of the “Guides to the Underworld” series of chapbooks from Hadean Press which treat of various recondite magical topics and practices. This work is a brief but dense monograph on the usage of the Divine Name “IAO” inspired by the Ogdoadic Tradition of magick, but will also be useful to practitioners of other systems looking to expand their understanding of this formula and experiment with never-before-published keys to this Name.

In the Ogdoadic Tradition, “IAO” is the divine name associated with the sephirah of Yesod – in stark contrast to it’s often solar application in Thelema and other magical systems. This paper discusses the origins and context of its use as a Lunar formula primarily descended from the Gnostic myths of Sophia-Achamoth, and provides a month-long ritual working to not only explore the full depth of this formula’s inner dynamics but which also can be easily incorporated into other workings of Art Magick (particularly those intended to produce material results). This practical insight is complemented by analysis and interpretation of IAO by means of its constituent Greek vowels, their planetary associations, the gematric/isopsephic relationship to the mysteries of the Bow of Qesheth, and a certain Enochian formula of IAO that relates to the realms supernal.
The Lunar Formula of IAO is slated to be published by the end of November 2011, and will be available to purchase online from Hadean Press’ website for £3.00 plus postage. International payments are accepted via PayPal.
November 17th, 2011 § § permalink
Dear Companions and Friends,
The theme of the next two issues of The Ogdoadic Journal will be “Praxis of the Ogdoadic Tradition.” As such, these will be presentations of practical ritual magic and ceremonial theory evolving from the Hermetic Regenerative Tradition. The foundations of this tradition are the writings and work of Melita Denning and Osborne Phillips, acclaimed authors and past Grand Masters of the Aurum Solis. The Ordo Astrum Sophiae (OAS) is a chartered and contacted order, established in succession from the pre-2002 Aurum Solis. OAS continues to maintain strict adherence to the traditional Aurum Solis system.
Due to the vast scope of this subject, these forthcoming Journals will treat separately of the Outer and Inner Mysteries. The next issue will commence with the Outer (or Lesser) Mysteries, which can be defined as the Work of the Outer Order and of the Temenos, in which the rites of the First and Second Halls are conducted. The subsequent issue of the Journal will focus on the Inner (or Greater) Mysteries: the rites of Telesterion and the Third Hall workings pertinent to Adepti of the Ogdoadic Tradition.
As a point of clarification, these next Journals will not directly discuss the initiatory rituals of the Order. Rather, the mysteries under consideration comprise those rites, formulae, and symbols – either foundational or advanced – which should play a prominent role in the personal magical program of the Ogdoadic student. Naturally, the issue discussing the work of the Inner Order will be more general in scope than the first issue; in some ways this will be a continuation of issue number 3’s focus on the Holy Guardian Angel, with an emphasis on magical workings relevant to the Adept.
Possible topics include:
- Foundational Ogdoadic practices: The Calyx, The Setting of the Wards of Power, Clavis Rei Primae, The Tower of Light, etc.
- The Temenos, its implements, furnishings, and regalia: Bomos, Sword, Banner, Tessera, etc.
- Ritual formulae of the House of Sacrifice: evocation, talismanic consecration, etc.
- Grimoires and spirit-work within the Ogdoadic Tradition
- The Constellation of the Worshipped: assumption of godforms, devotional methods, etc.
- The Great Work and the initiation cycle
- Magical tides, times, and electional astrology
- For the Journal 6 (the Inner Mysteries): the Spear and the Grail, Rising on the Planes, etc.
Obviously this is only a sampling of possibilities. The editorial team gladly welcomes items outside of these suggestions, so long as they are germane to the theme of Ogdoadic Praxis. In addition to English articles with proper citations, submissions may also comprise artwork, poetry, or relevant book reviews.
The deadline for submissions for Journal no. 5 is Imbolc (February 1st) 2012. Submissions should be sent to master@adocentyn.net and astrum.sophia@gmail.com.
In the Light of the Glorious Star,
The Editors,
The Ogdoadic Journal of the Western Mysteries
Ordo Astrum Sophiae