Phoenix Pagan Pride Day 2016

October 29th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

The House of Adocentyn is pleased to announce that it will perform the opening ritual for Phoenix Pagan Pride Day on Saturday, November 5th, 2016 at 10 am. Additionally, the House will have a booth at the event where interested students may obtain information on the Ordo Astrum Sophiae or purchase select publications relevant to the Ogdoadic Tradition. The House of Adocentyn believes strongly in supporting the local Phoenix occult community, continuing a tradition extending back to the original Aurum Solis under Melita Denning and Obsorne Phillips who were active participants in the Llewellyn Gnosticon festivals held in the Twin Cities in the 1970’s.

Though the OAS remains a private magical order, with initiation by invitation only, this event offers an opportunity for local interaction and outer manifestation within the greater occult community.

Local Events

August 16th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

In order to better facilitate communications for local events, such as the ongoing Semitalia series of Qabalistic Pathworkings, the House of Adocentyn has created a Facebook presence:

This periphery is intended solely as a method of communication for public announcements: the House of Adocentyn, like the greater Ordo Astrum Sophiae, is a private organization. Membership therein is by invitation only, either spontaneously extended or arising from an application.